1. What is your return policy?

Unfortunately, we have a no return policy. Our vendors may stay for a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Due to the fluid nature of our business, we cannot offer returns. If you have questions prior to purchasing an item, please reach out to theislandantiques@gmail.com.

2. How is shipping cost determined?

Shipping cost is determined through USPS priority mail based on size and weight.

3. Can I pick my item up?

Yes! Please use our online scheduler to secure a pick up time at our Main St. location, Thursday-Sunday between 10am and 7pm.

4. Can I become a vendor at The Island?

We are happy to announce booths as they become available. Booths are offered as rental spaces, and do have a rental fee based on size. To inquire about our available spaces and costs, please email theislandantiques@gmail.com.

5. Where can I find you on social media?

We are on Facebook and Instagram and can be found by clicking our social media icons. We also offer clothing through our Poshmark, @theislandclothesco. No matter how you shop, we hope your island experience is as great as the treasures you find!